I have been managing, barely, to keep on top of the weeds in the garden. There are some open spaces where I had intended to plant buckwheat to be a cover crop, but that's not done yet. Maybe tomorrow morning when it's cool. This morning, I got the strawberry bed weeded, some large weeds out of one row of the asparagus (two rows to go - sigh), tomato plants tied up a bit more (I'm determined to not let them get away from me like last year, where I had vines and tomatoes all over the ground!), and odd weeds plucked from among many of the row plants.
Darrell says I plant like I golf, with a slice - notice how everything curves off to the right in the rows. I prefer to say that it's a graceful, organic arc, as I'm not a linear person. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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