No, not making them together, although, an afterthought, the sausage hash would make a great filling for half an Acorn squash. Then the other half Acorn could be devoted to brown sugar/applesauce filling!.
We love corned beef hash with eggs. As you may have read on a recent post, we put up 110# of sausage from one of our hogs. One of the seasonings we used was for Chorizo sausage. Darrell commented, "I bet that would be good in hash". I agreed.

So yesterday I cooked up a bunch of our redskin potatoes that are stored for the winter, and a pound of Chorizo, sautéd with some onion. Mixed the two together and stored the hash overnight.

Then later, I brought up some pork chops to thaw for supper, and grabbed a butternut squash from storage, thinking I'd go ahead and get that roasted up and ready to go. When I cut the squash in half, the color was soooo gorgeous, I just had to share a photo.

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